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The Ancient Black Hebrews and Arabs

The Ancient Black Hebrews and Arabs

Written by:
Anu M'bantu , Gert Muller
Narrated by:
Marie Hoffman
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
September 13, 2014
1 hour 38 minutes
The evidence from the Bible describes the ancient Hebrews as being Afro-haired and Black. Abraham, Jacob, David, and Solomon were Black. Pictures of the ancient Hebrews show this part of Biblical record to be accurate! Most people do not know that the original Arabs of ancient times were Black. This audiobook quotes ancient authorities and the ancient Arabs themselves to show that they were considered by themselves, and others, as Black. It also demonstrates how the Arabs became more intermixed with time. A must listen for those interested in ancient Asiatic Black people!
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