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Fight Club

Written by:
Chuck Palahniuk
Narrated by:
Jim Colby

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
July 11, 2008
5 hours 38 minutes
Every weekend, in basements and car parks across the country, young men with good white-collar jobs and absent fathers take off their shoes and shirts and fight each other barehanded. Then they go back to those jobs with blackened eyes and loosened teeth and the sense that they can handle anything.

Fight Club is the invention of Tyler Durden, projectionist, waiter and dark, anarchic genius. And it's only the beginning of his plans for revenge on the world...
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Kaylana Lamproe

This is a great book! I saw the movie first and am surprised at how toned down the movie actually is compared to this great book. I love the characters, especially Marla. Very interestingly written.

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Ira B.

the narration is perfection

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Ashley K.

Not my cup of tea AT ALL. Not because I am a girl, but because the book is just, might I say, horrible!

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Thoroughly enjoyed this one … expands a bit more on the concepts than the movie … loved the narrative style of the autor . To the point and raw

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Saint Hedwig

From the beginning, I judged the book on the movie, but whereas the movie was angry, the book I found to be sad, introspective, and thoughtful. Tyler Durden is a fighter in a myriad of ways. It’s a shame the narrator never gets a name, as he is the real hero (anti-hero) of this work. The narration is superb - not overdone with a pantheon of voices. Excellent read.

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Great book and great movie. Funny and twisted. And a bit darker than the movie.

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Nemanja S.

Well I know I break the first rule of Fight club but I must say "Fight club is awesome" and Narration is fantastic !!!

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I enjoyed every single word, because it was incredible!

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Jon E.

Every single American male between the ages of 15 and 17 needs to read this book

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Sonya K.

Wonderful. Having seen the movie I very appreciated how on point the film was minus only a couple of minor details.

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Colin D.

thoroughly enjoyed!

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Donald G.

Gritty urban satire. A classic

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