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The Genius of Opposites: How Introverts and Extroverts Achieve Extraordinary Results Together

Narrated by:
Tiffany Williams

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
August 17, 2015
2 hours 39 minutes
Bestselling author Jennifer Kahnweiler (Quiet Influence and The Introverted Leader-over 20,000 copies sold each) offers a five-step process that will help introverts and extroverts understand and appreciate each other and work together to achieve more than they ever could on their own.

Mick and Keith. Jobs and Woz. FDR and Eleanor. Gilbert and Sullivan. History is filled with examples of successful introvert-extrovert partnerships. But how can two people who sometimes seem to be from different planets not just work together but make extraordinary products, create great works of art, and even change history?

Jennifer Kahnweiler says the key is to remember that these relationships are most successful when opposites stop emphasizing their differences and use approaches that move them towards results. She provides a five-step process that helps introverts and extroverts understand each other's 'cultures,' use their inevitable conflicts to spur creativity, find the right roles within their partnership, enjoy each other's company, and adapt and adjust their roles when working with clients. These partnerships require constant maintenance-opposites don't attract, they have to work at it. But when they succeed they produce exponential results. Blending the two points of view allows both partners to see and act on things neither partner would have separately.
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