Unabridged Audiobook
I love Frank Peretti, but this was not a good book. For one it was pretty disturbing, and read more like a low budget horror movie complete with perverse scenes of women being tortured, and forced to eat dog food by someone who wants to sexually assault them.. No joke, thats in a Peretti book. Twice I said I was going to stop because of its complete lack of kingdom focus, but I trekked on hoping it would get there at some point. At the end, in what seemed like an after thought, they tied it back to our sin nature and salvation, but it was so confusing, and portrayed in a way that really doesn't honor God in my opinion. Does every book need to honor God? No, it's a free country, but you sort of expect that a Peretti novel would, and you would not normally have to question whether reading one of his books is actually leading you to sin by ingesting such unedifying content. All that to say, if you like secular horror books, you might like this, but Stephen King would better. If you are expecting a normal Peretti book, stay away. The narrator did an excellent job in depicting the disturbing content though...