Unabridged Audiobook
Worldbuilding at its finest.
Great read. Very big, lots of depth. Good couple of books! Agreed on the swearing, a little much. Liked the pace. Enjoyed the little twists and humor.
Excellent story. Long with many imbedded, parallel sub-stories, great tech stuff. Only negative comments: 1) excessive cursing and swearing even though it is realist for characters. 2) transitions too tight, between scenes and sub stories, need time to react to new characters/sub-stories. David
Very good book series. I plan on reading all the author's novels.
Fantastic space opera. Awesome in scope. Thought given to the effects on society of advanced science. The author manages to bring galactic issues to a personal level. Characters that might seem to be mere moments of story telling, can end up having pivotal positions later in the story. This was my first pair of books by this author. I will buy every other book he has written. The reader did a good, maybe very good job. The actual recording had some issues. The tone changed quite a bit in a few spots. At times the recording was very difficult to hear while driving. Cranking it up caused the speakers to have issues.