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North American Revolutions: Historical Details about the Revolution in Cuba, Mexico, and the United States
Written by:
Kelly Mass
Narrated by:
Doug Greene
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Release Date
April 26, 2022
2 hours 52 minutes
These three topics will be addressed in this book:
Cuban Revolution - Less than a decade after the Second World War, the Cuban revolution happened. It went on and off, irregularly causing riots and rebel actions, as well as tyrannical government suppression, and it all lingered on during the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States. What was it that typified the Cuban Revolution? Who were the players and what did they do? Which battles were most significant?And last but not least, what was the final result it all led to in the end? These and many other questions will be answered in this comprehensive guide, which will give you a better understanding about the history of one of the most controversial economies on the huge island near the United States coastline.
American Revolution - Between 1765 to 1791, the American Revolution was an ideological and political revolution in British America. In the American Revolutionary War (between 1775 to 1783), the Americans in the Thirteen Groups established sovereign countries that beat the British, getting independence from the British Crown and establishing the USA of America, the first modern-day constitutional liberal democracy.
Mexican Revolution - The Mexican Revolution was a great revolution that included a series of army local battles instead of a single united struggle. It destroyed the Federal Force and changed it with an innovative army, changing Mexican civilization and governance at the same time It also culminated in the adoption of a new constitution that included the revolutionaries' ideal visions. In spite of the fact that President Porfirio Daz's (from about 1880 to 1911) rule had grown progressively out of favor over the prior 31 years, there was no indicator that a transformation would break out in the year 1910.
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North American Revolutions: Histo...
Kelly Mass
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