Public Speaking: Do It Without Fear. Discover the Art Of Effective Communication

Public Speaking: Do It Without Fear. Discover the Art Of Effective Communication

Written by:
Mark Page
Narrated by:
Robert Plank
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
March 2022
0 hours 34 minutes
How does the thought of standing in front of a large group of people make you feel? Standing before them, preparing to give your speech, knowing that all eyes are on you, watching your every move? Are you nervous, or are you perhaps anxious - feeling like you can’t breathe?

Of course, if you are nervous, it is going to make it harder to concentrate on your breathing—but even if you are not someone who’s prone to stage fight, you could still struggle with the power of projection.

Are you ready to start the walk? Then, go ahead and press the buy now button and enjoy the ride!
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