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Red Harvest

Red Harvest

Written by:
Dashiell Hammett
Narrated by:
Graham Dunlop
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
January 13, 2025
6 hours 26 minutes
Red Harvest is a hardboiled classic that set the standard for gritty, no-nonsense crime fiction. Written by Dashiell Hammett, this explosive novel follows an unnamed detective—referred to only as 'The Continental Op'—as he arrives in a corrupt industrial town known as 'Poisonville.' Hired to clean up the city, he quickly finds himself in the middle of a brutal gang war. Betrayals, double-crosses, and brutal power plays spiral into chaos as the Op's relentless quest for justice leads to a blood-soaked reckoning.

With its razor-sharp dialogue, brutal realism, and dark wit, Red Harvest established Hammett as a pioneer of noir fiction, cementing his legacy as the godfather of the genre. This is a relentless tale of moral ambiguity and violence, where every character walks the thin line between survival and self-destruction.
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