Unabridged Audiobook
The author take teaching of Tony Robbins and is not even shy to use the same language. It’s almost “copy-paste”. The push to “do 10 more than everyone else” won’t teach you anything, if you don’t know the core of your pursuit and why you are pushing it. The message of “keep pushing even if it’s hard” is absolutely annoying, because it is wrong on so many levels. For example, if the business you are pursuing is not what you subconsciously desire will drain your life out of you, and it is definitely not a fact, that if you do 10 times more and 10 times longer will lead you to financial freedom and happiness, on the contrary, it will most likely lead you to bankruptcy and depression. So I would stay away from “coaches” like this author, you are better off without them, even if you are struggling right now.
If you like or need a lot of hype and yelling and really love being sold to from a drug dealer this could be your book. I paid my money for the book so I listened to the whole thing because I never know when I could learn something. What I learned is I have a strong opinion now about the author I believe he has abundance of fear and is in a lot of emotional pain that could be the reason he is so hyped up like a desperate drug dealer. He likes to promote the obvious such as you want 10 times the results work 10 times harder hmmm duh. He wants to self promote himself as a guru for sales training. In this book sales training was missing other that stay Persistent until they buy. You can easily find this information in lots of places with out all the yelling. The foundation of the principles of this book is shifting sand. I was referred to this book by people I respect now I am questioning those who referred. If you are looking to learn sales I recommend you keep looking
Great book. Grant Cardone is a beast. It was highly motivational and would recommend for any sales team.
Absolutely amazing!
Good message but could have been effectively conveyed in 25% of the time.
I have had the honor to meet Grant Cardone in person and attend one of his seminars while I was in the auto industry and he was a huge part of my success
amazing book, one of the best in growing yourself and business goals
good book just a little too long.
I love this book, the hands on advice and Grant's cheeky vibe!
Does not distinguish or emphasize much unique thought in terms of getting things done, or getting ahead of the competition. Most things the author talks about goes without saying. I can see a lot of this approach working in sales, but I won't ever apply this approach to a STEM industry where technical knowledge is what distinguishes those who are actually top performers and those who think they can talk their way up. Not a bad book, but nothing exemplary either.
I love it, mind blowing
Excellent book
Grant himself, with his never ending , giant passion! I love to listen him, it lifts my motivation to the sky. He is simply the best. This book is a must listen. You might face your own mistakes lazyness, and you will find your stenght via this book. Don't hesitate to 'buy' it, you won't regret it.
This book is an eye opener and direct. If you a snowflake, don’t read but if you want to gain success at 10X level, read and re-read.
Grant Cardone is a hack and a scam artist. If you genuinely believe, or enjoy any of this rhetoric you're a fool and he deserves your money lol
Simple easy to apply strategy
I love to hear the book directly from Grant Cardone.
It is an amazing book that changes our mindset
Book is a must read for anyone
Really enjoyed the book. So glad the author was the narrator, he really knows how to get the point across.
Oh my, this guy this is so inspiring. Ok, some of the points I find myself not 100% agreeing with but overall this is a great read if you need a kick up the butt to get you to follow your aspirations and not only achieve them but surpass them. I feel like I’ve had a reboot after listening to this (I think his super energetic voice helps). This is something that I will revisit at a later date.
Loved it I'm starting my sales career and this book has boosted my confidence
Loved it. A new perspective to drive actions to achieve aspirational 10x results.
Great book, all the successful people I have talked says this is exactly what they do. Good avise.
For the most part great advice however did not think all were relevant and accurate The big take away is so true , take massive action !!
Grant Cardone speaks the truth, I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to dominate their industry of field. I will use his methods and see it if it's works.
Awesome book... certainly gets you thinking! Ready to live 10X
I totally would suggest to get this book if you want to move ahead in life in reaching your goals
Thank you Grant Cardone for the amazing content!...this book HERE is a must read for any entrepreneur; any one looking to further advance their business or need clarity moving forward!...thank you so much Grant!
Great Book! Time to DOMINATE!
Perfect! If you want success you need to be dangerous! After the listening I just started to take a masive action! It is high motivational!
Brilliant book. Really passionate, absolutely brilliant for giving inspiration and a fire in your belly to go and achieve more. Really enjoyed it.
One of the best books i ever listened to.
A phenomenal well of actionable insights for people who are looking to move their lives to a new level of success.
Great book this and lots of inspiring content. Loses its way towards the end otherwise would be 5 stars. Cardone can be a little annoying at times as narrator and a little smug.
It was the first book I tried listening, I am happy it was this one : Easy listen during my trip and fantastic to hear Grant Cardone himself motivating you and pushing you. There is some absolutely great stuff in this book but it can be shortened by 5x :) (1h30 instead of 7h30). I particularly liked the story of the guy who "needs" 10 000 USD dollar that is watching the game on a Sunday :) In summary it is about taking massive actions, 10x the amount of action to get 10x results. Do not aim for the average, do not be average. Your Success is your duty, obligation and your responsibility.
Excellent book it was annoying at times how some parts are way to drawn out but I do understand the concept of why Grant decided to write it that way. Kudos
Great book. Lots of action and energy. Enjoyed it. Got great insights!
It’s a huge benefit to have the audio ( have the book too) but in his audio has things that are not in the book. It’s awesome... As well as his passion is continually and this is over 7 hours of narration...
Pretty good book to get you motivated
Grant is a captivating leader. The theories he calls out and stories he's lived through will guild any new entrepreneur to success.
GC!!! Love you Brother! Great message. This was inspiring.
I could not make it past the first 20 minutes. I felt like I was stuck in TV promotion for the great laundry detergent. I
Great Book, finished in round trip drive from San Antonio to Dallas. I'm pumped, I've been following Grant Cardone on YouTube for the past 3 months and just bought this book. Tried to buy in store for around $10, but was sold out by the time arrived. I said to myself forget it, let's get the audio and save time. I was creating time before I heard him mention it.
Brilliant book!!!!
The book is high energy, high engagement and delivers on its promise of TenX. I loved this title and will read more of Grant's books.
Great book and real talk from the narrator.
"Real Talk" to get you motivated and get you off your butt!
Great Book!!! The author knows how to convey the motivations and Successes of daily life to the reader and break down topics.
Thank you so much. Brilliant book and it's a no bull guide to what it actually takes, very honest and and holds nothing back. The book is based on one message alone which many other books neglect. 10x baby!!!
This book was great and I would recommend it to others. Grant is straight forward on the hustle.
This was amazing!
This is hands down one of the most annoying audio books I have ever read. 30 min into it and I literally wanted to scream. He keeps going on and on and on about how this books is going to change your life. Stating the obvious, repeating key words over and over again. I really feel like this book was written to imbeciles. Let me save you the read by summarizing - "work hard and dream big and good things will come to you." It's trite and repetitive and supported only with sweeping statements and broad generalizations. If you don't already know the obvious statements he keeps repeating over and over (Life is short! Take risks! Things won't happen if you don't work for them!) then this book is for you,,
Great book, a definite must have. Grant says it as it is, no fancy BS... Got many actionable golden nuggets, will definitely be reading his other books too.
It will change your approach to everything not just sales. A must read 10x
The best business book I've listened to in 2016. I highly recommend it.
Love this book. Every time I go to the gym I listen to this book. Ready to have it burned into my mind. It's not only motivated me to be a better me- but has launched me in my business. Love love love and highly recommend.
Great book! If you follow this info you will be successful!
I am fired up thanks to the content in this book and also recommended it to my son who is 24. Wish I had learned this content when I was young! Cheri Berg
A must read in your journey to success! I like the narrator ton of voice. I listened to this everyday on my way to work and it gives me the best motivation
Simply phenomenal! #StraightForward Grant is the man!
I liked this book so much I will listen to it again. This book can keep you motivated.
Excellent book!!!! Recommended!! Very motivating book. The experience of listening to the directly from Grant is so awesome
The one thing I did not like about this book was the narration. I felt like I was being yelled at the entire time. I think I could have learned just as much with a calmer reader.
What a great book!! There are so many things this book teaches but perhaps the most important lesson I learned was to shift my way of thinking. Before you can even attempt to be successful at anything, you must first shift your thinking.
Awesome listen. Give this a listen and then Take massive action!
This guy is the truth. It will help you push past your failures . great book, don't be a little ***** and read/listen to this book
That's what the Doctor order! No sugar coating! No BS! Straightforward book that I love! Gut and grit book about what it really takes to become successful.
Grant Cardone is the Master! 10x wil change your life, :-)