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Written by:
Will Smith
Narrated by:
Will Smith

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
November 9, 2021
16 hours 16 minutes
One of the most dynamic and globally recognized entertainment forces of our time opens up fully about his life, in a brave and inspiring book that traces his learning curve to a place where outer success, inner happiness, and human connection are aligned. Along the way, Will tells the story in full of one of the most amazing rides through the worlds of music and film that anyone has ever had.

Will Smith’s transformation from a West Philadelphia kid to one of the biggest rap stars of his era, and then one of the biggest movie stars in Hollywood history, is an epic tale—but it’s only half the story.
Will Smith thought, with good reason, that he had won at life: not only was his own success unparalleled, his whole family was at the pinnacle of the entertainment world. Only they didn't see it that way: they felt more like star performers in his circus, a seven-days-a-week job they hadn't signed up for. It turned out Will Smith's education wasn't nearly over. 
This memoir is the product of a profound journey of self-knowledge, a reckoning with all that your will can get you and all that it can leave behind. Written with the help of Mark Manson, author of the multi-million-copy bestseller The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, Will is the story of how one person mastered his own emotions, written in a way that can help everyone else do the same. Few of us will know the pressure of performing on the world's biggest stages for the highest of stakes, but we can all understand that the fuel that works for one stage of our journey might have to be changed if we want to make it all the way home. The combination of genuine wisdom of universal value and a life story that is preposterously entertaining, even astonishing, puts Will the book, like its author, in a category by itself.

*This audiobook includes a downloadable PDF of music credits.
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Denise J.

Well, where do I begin? This book was absolutely amazing! I was sad at times, cried a little, annoyed, pissed, and laughed a lot. I would laugh the hardest whenever He would imitate his bodyguard Charlie. When he imitated Arnold Schwarzenegger, that was another phone funny moment, among others. I'm glad I decided to listen to this book rather than read it. Hearing will smith talk about his life experiences and challenges, you could actually feel what he was feeling. Amazing work!

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Emillie S.

I loved this book! Any time I had to stop listening to it, I found myself craving it. It was very entertaining, inspirational, and funny! I found myself laughing out loud multiple times. Will Smith is a great narrator! His impressions make the book! I highly recommend!

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This book is inspiring and transparent, as I listened I could file my mind expand and grow with love, truth, purpose and a realization that I have all I need within my reach. Faith that God will give you hearts purpose!

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Priya Bates

This book was especially insightful given "Slapgate" at the Oscar's. The theme of feeling like a coward came up again and again. Feeling like he had failed the women in his life. Will Smith is hard working, disciplined, ambitious, and incredibly intelligent. I loved that he gave the reader a glimpse inside his thinking -the good, the bad and the ugly. He also allowed us to see both sides. The trauma of an an abusive father yet the love for a man who was there doing his best to raise a family. The tragedy of growing up with gangs and drug dealers, but a code of respect and support when needed. I've heard some say that he's full of himself.. but you could also say the same for Musk or Bezos. He has mastered his craft. I loved every minute.

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Shoshana G.

Amazing read. Loved Will’s energy - the music breaks!

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Great book, full of emotions and reality.

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Joia E.

This was one of the best books I have ever read or heard. It was incredible, insightful and full of gems of wisdom. I knew I needed to write a review, but truly I’m at a loss for words. The integration of sounds clips and music along with WILL reading was absolutely amazing. Download it now, trust me! And Will, if you ever read these, I just want you to know that I am inspired, in awe and NO- The joke was Not funny with Jada and GG

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Glen Carpenter

Entertaining and insightful

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I think that this is a great book. Will Smith is full of joy, happiness and reflection. I’ve learned a lot after reading this book. I would absolutely recommend this book to everyone who needs some advices and guidance at this moment.

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Excellent storytelling and wonderfully narrated. Very pleased that I bought this book in audio form. Will be pleasantly remembered.

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I enjoyed listening to Will Smith read his book. It was very entertaining to hear the expression in his voice as he read and listening to the music. It was also interesting, sad, and funny to hear about his life.

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Must read!!! I LOVE every bit of this book!!! I went through sooo many emotions. I felt and connected with Will on sooo many levels. I saw sooo much of myself in him. So relatable

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Very inspiring!

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Mojca š.

Amazing book. You've got everything here...drama, comedy, love story, action,... Will's imitations of different persons are priceless...I was laughing out loud. I am so happy I listen this book rather then read it!

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Have listened to both Will’s and Jada’s books, they both have lived interesting lives! I hope they stay connected throughout their lives! There is a deep love between them.. Just my opinion ❤️

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Starts out a little egotistic, but turns around is was a good listen

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A peak behind the curtain of the so call life of Will. As we will never get ALL of the story. I appreciate what was shared the ups and downs. The life only movies are made of...HA!

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Brent M.

Very good . Gripping narrative holds attention.

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Candi D.

Great Read! I enjoyed Wills account of all his coming of age stories and the independence look into his family dynamics. I've always been a fan now I'm even more than ever. Many Blessings to you Mr Smith!!

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Cynthia J.

May WILL Smith's personal journey take him to new heights and and deeper revelations into himself

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Akjemal M.

An honest review of self, life choices, build of a character and discipline and love.

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Very entertaining! Holds on to the listener as Will goes up and down his life’s roller coaster.. lots of smiles.. tears and laughter… happiness is when you are happy with yourself in spite of your experiences.

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Latoya Watts

I really really enjoyed this!

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As if I could not be an even bigger fan of Will Smith, then he releases this masterpiece. This book is so transparent and an emotional rollercoaster. I had a big variety of emotions as the book went on and Will to allow us listeners to see a very vulnerable side that otherwise would not have been known. This book will show you how truly beautiful Will is as a person and how much he deeply cares about every loved one he has. He is incredibly intelligent and deep. I hope he releases another one!

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Good book, great narration! The different character voices, sound effects, and music I felt like I was watching a movie. Thanks for the experience. Lol I don't think I'll ever forget the name Charlie Mack!

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LindaMichelle B.

Loved the book and the narration.

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Tiana W.

Great account of his life. His ups and downs. His deep emotions and his spiritual journey to mental health. Great read!

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This is one of the most inspirational and intriguing manuscripts that I have every read.

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Nichelle W.

Best audiobook I’ve ever listened to!

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Aisha S.

It was amazing to hear the author create the rises and falls of his own character. A true genius in the art of story telling . A great read for the inspiring entrepreneur, lover,dreamer and life seeker.

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Debra B.

So, I like Will Smith. I enjoy his movies and some of his music. After reading his book though, it occurs to me that he is an egotistical man. He's pretty full of himself, and that surprised me. Listening to his book and his rise to fame, it always seemed like he hadn't quite made it, even though he had. I listened to this book about the same time that he went on stage at an awards show and slapped the presenter because he thought he had insulted his wife (ex-wife? I'm confused about that.). Anyway, I came away not liking Will Smith quite so much.

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Cord T.

I loved this book. In general I love autobiographies. But will Smith does such an amazing job of analyzing himself, and playing himself at all different ages, that all throughout the listen I looked forward to my audiobook time. There are weird parts for sure, but keep listening, and eventually it will all make sense as the points do come around.

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I loved this book!!

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Latoya W.

Not only was the best book I’ve encountered in a while. It was hands down the best audio book I’ve EVER listened to. Will’s narration was impeccable and kept me drawn in and not to mention the music that would play at certain parts. I’ve always been a Will fan but this made me even more a fan! Like this guys thinking is genius!! 10/10 would recommend. I know for sure this a book I will listen to again just so I pick up some gems/jewels I may have missed the first go round!

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Jill S.

Way better than just reading it because he narrates it with the peoples voices. This was so raw it was awesome

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Dana A.

My first audio book, loved the book and especially the narration. I’ve tried a few other audio books, but none have come close to the entertainment and life Will gives to his book.

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Absolutely phenomenal!!!

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Ash F.

This man, despite his extreme achievement and wisdom, which is indisputable, is arrogant and pompous. He definitely confused self love and unbounded selfishness which lead to narcissism. I adore his knowledge, I was following him on Instagram for many years and I had learned many skills and insight from him, but obviously he himself has failed to deliver any of those principals. It’s empty talk.

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Ra K.

Will Smith's words and narration are impeccable. Thoroughly enjoying this audiobook. A ton of gems about self improvement, development and perseverance!

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Introspective and beautiful family story from a Black Man's perspective.

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J K.

One of the greatest ebooks ever….

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Prit S.

Amazing listen, even after he slapped Chris Rock

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Lori T.

Great read! Made me reflect a lot of my life. But we definitely got a great insight into Will’s life! Love that he narrated it!

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Bryson A.

Loved it! Very fascinating read and grateful for the vulnerability throughout. This inspired me to be a better person, husband and father.

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Excellent read, many thoughts

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helpful and inspiring

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Deborah W.

I really enjoyed listening to you on audiobooks. Your story was amazing. I was hanging on every single word as you were talking. The book gave me an insight as to who you really are. I do have one question at the very end you mentioned that you were dissatisfied . What was you dissatisfied with? The audiobook cut off at that point and I am curious to find out. Will there be a sequel coming out? If so please believe that I will definitely be looking out for it. Thanks for being so honest throughout this book. Your Fan Deborah Williams

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Irene R.

LOVED IT. loved the vulnerability thank u will

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Kathy C.

The narration was a but rough at the outset, but so pleased he leaned in and worked it out. No one else could have done him justice. You'll laugh out loud, then find yourself amazed at some of the gems of hard earned wisdom he passes on. Highly recommended!

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Vanessa M.

This book was more than I anticipated. It was raw, honest, and so insightful. It taught me life lessons through Will’s experiences. (What else could I expect, honestly?) It gives you such a deeper more profound insight on who he is as a person and how his (brilliant) mind works. I’d recommend this over and over. His narration was so entertaining and he even had background music in some stories to set the mood/ambiance. Great book. Great narrating. I’m an even bigger fan of his now.

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Chana J.

Magnificent Read!!! Waaay more honesty and insight than I'm use to from autobiographies. Love Love Love that he narrated his own story. This was my first audiobook because I like to flip pages and I don't want the narrator's inflections or translation, but by him reading it himself it was like a bedtime story that doesn't put you to sleep. Not sure if alot of authors narrate their own work but if not, they definitely should.

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I enjoyed hearing Will narrate his experiences. Loved it from beginning to end.

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Amy H.

Will has lived an incredible life, and he is a fantastic story teller. The book is exciting and vulnerable, funny and painful, embarrassing and BOSS. My favorite aspect is how Will shares the wisdom he’s gained over the years, pointing to real examples of his own personal growth. He’s not just a superstar. He’s a person. I think this is a gift to the listener (or reader). Also, I wish Will would start reading more audiobooks (as another one of his career paths) because he does great voice impressions. I love his friend Charlie Mack’s voice the best :-)

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Melinda C.

I was disappointed when I realized I was finished with this audiobook

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Mathew J.

Brick by brinck

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AMAZING!!! Best audio book I have ever bought. Funny, Sad, Inspiring, Loving- this audio book has it all. So much wisdom. Just finished listening to it and will be probably listen to it again next week! Thank you Mr. Smith for sharing your story!

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Lakiesha J.

This started as an autobiography about him but it morphed into a self help to look into myself and view my flawed and obscure view of the world and the relationships I've built over time. It's so beautiful to see the human side of a celebrity. We hold them in such high regard. I'm currently chasing my dreams and this almost gave me the Blueprint of the pitfalls to avoid. His viewpoint shed so much light on how he saw others and how they feel. Just listen with an open heart. No judgemental views. I'm going to listen again and take notes. Thank you, Willard. I no longer feel alone in my world of thoughts and inner struggles.

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Jessica W.

This book was perfect! Loved every second of it

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Absolutely BRILLIANT - Do not miss it!

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Deb D.

Amazing book!

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Aaron Linden

Will! was one of the the best Book I loved! I will listen to this book again, soooo Good!!!

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Marilyne L.

Wow. I knew I loved Will Smith, but this is beyond what I expected. What a great book. And the fact that Will is the narrator and that you listen some music is just magical. I loved every minute of it.

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Doesn’t get any better !

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Brenda S.

Awesome book really enjoyed it

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Cassidy M.

One of the best books I’ve ever read!! Will Smith is living Black history!! The audio book is the only way to go for this one.

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Judy W.

What a read “listen”. I believe I felt every emotion on this one. Even some tears, some lessons and some out laid laughter. What a beautiful narration. One of the best I’ve listened to.

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DaShay M.

I absolutely loved this book and audio. It was more than I expected. The shirt stories were everything. I loved getting to know him in this way. This makes me love Will Smith even more!

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I really enjoyed this read. It was over 400 pages and it took over a week to read but I understand why. Will talks about every life event and lesson that has shaped him to be the man he is today. I admire the way he wasn’t afraid to get real and talk about the hard things and his struggles. There were many chapters where he talked about topics and life events that I never knew happened, which is probably due to the fact that i’m gen Z. He rose to fame with a group of friends, and they’re still with him today. Will drew people into his orbit like the sun. And like a star that burns too long, there were times when he imploded. I admit that there were moments when I rolled my eyes and thought “I could see that coming a chapter ago what the hell dude.” However, that wasn’t more often than he made me smile. His success as an actor, musician, and writer is undeniable, but his struggles to be a good husband, father, son, and friend are what most readers will remember about this book. I highly recommend listening to the audiobook version. Will had me laughing, bobbing my head to his jams, and wiping my eyes a few times too. His grandmother’s quotes alone make this a worthy read.

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Amazing that U are who U became...

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Jim J.

I don’t really like reviews for books, but this book explore my whole childhood in a nut shell. Thanks will smith for sharing your life story. It’s a true eye awaking experience and made me laugh so hard. Keep up the work Will Smith.

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Traci C.

Excellent! Well written, entertaining, eye-opening and well read. Excellent!

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Whaaat! I never listened to an audio book before so I don't know how other authors create their productions, but this was amazing! in true Will Smith fashion, he set the bar HIGH. the stories grabbed my attention from the very beginning to the absolute last second. I shed tears, laughed and took notes on things that I could apply to my life. I will be telling everyone to listen to this book! Congratulations and thanks for sharing, Will!

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Laura Kammerer

Absolutely fantastic!!!

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a great listen

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Susan P.

Very authentic and self aware through living. It’s amazing to me that he saw and took the good from his father in spite of all his faults.

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Empress Lulu

This book was great. It brings out all of your emotions from sadness to laughter that tears are rolling down your cheeks. I also love self narrated books since I feel they give the true emotions and meaning to what they are explaining.

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Jessica F.

What a great book! Loved having Will Smith read it, it's like you were there, living it with him.

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Rebecca H.

Listening to this book made me hate will smith

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Lea B

I absolutely enjoyed this book!!! I recommend it. There are so many nuggets of wisdom wrapped comedy and sheer delight!

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Jess B.

Very insightful and thought provoking read. Very well done.

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When I saw that the narrator was Will himself Inhave to hear it, and I absolutely love it!!!

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Caroline B.

Raw, brave, inspired.

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Argo R.

A fantastic book! Listening to Will Smith narrate hisown life is amazing. Thank you!

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Rikki B.

One of the best audio books and narrating I’ve listed too!!!

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Great read. Inspiring.

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Alex C.

Just WOW! Always knew Will Smith but never KNEW Will Smith. This book gave amazing insight on his upbringing, ultimate success and how even a global superstar has issues and problems just like the rest of us. I am going to start it over and listen to it again right now!

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Clarissa H.

The music and background effects livened this up. Even without it, this was a great read and listen. You will laugh, cry, learn, sometimes at the same time. This left me wanting more.

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Allison D.

The best audiobook I’ve ever heard. Brilliant writing and great audio additions.

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Dan C.

Even though I didn’t follow Will Smith in tv or the movies I did know who he was more through interviews and respected his outlook on life. This book is well written, has many life lessons, entertaining and just makes you feel good inside. Thank you Will.

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Great book. It's always nice to hear that people who didn't have the easy path through life are able to beat the odds and reach the top of the world through their hard work and determination. I have so much respect for what Will Smith has accomplished. His story is inspiring and the stories he shared are entertaining and impactful.

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Zilola K.

Awesome! Loved every minute of it! A whole new experience of audio book too! Thank you, Will!

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Alfreeka W.

This was an excellent listen. I loved his creativity with invoking music and clips from important and significant moments of his career throughout the read. Will Smith aka The Fresh Prince teters between arrogance and enlightenment throughout his life. I know somewhere in there hurt cause him to be guarded but fame and accomplishment really did hurt him in some ways. But.. he is still one of the goats. Still successful in my eyes and I hope he continues on his life of discovery. Very good listen. I was sad when it ended.

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Loved it and learned from Wilon so many levels... "The Smile" has had me thinking for days...

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Patricia Drewnowska

really great book kindly highly recommend nothing like having the author read it to you

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Maritsy C.

10/10 Must Read, GREAT ending

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Kiera F.

Great book, deeply inspiring, I loved it. Truly!

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Latoya L.

What's true WILL remain! This book was everything and I mean everything and In WILL Smith fashion. He gave us a birds eye view into his life. He was very transparent. It goes to show money, and fame ain't everything, and that everyone has faults. It's a must read, so ho grab this book! #Book48of2021 #Bookworm #whatsnext

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Ana R.

I love this book. the stories shared are very inspiring and authentic. Will doesn't just talk about successes but also about the challenges and difficulties he encountered. The narration couldn't be better. "reading" this book was a great experience!

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J Linc

Great book. You could feel the emotions behind his passions and defeats. He's human!!

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Awesome book!

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Enola S.

Inspirational for each step he took. When we don’t have it all together, but the outside says we do, we have to look deeper to change what we can’t stand that the universe can change in us. God was with him every step of the way.

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David L.

I'm a big fan of Will and this book does not disappoint

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Janice H.

Excellent. Well written throughout. I had no idea about half of the experiences. Extra enjoyable because he narrated it of course.

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Cassandra D.

Wil This book was was a testament of a young man life who was taught structure of being. By parents in a teaching roll of life. This book made me appreciate a black unit of trust struggle happiness and endurance. I laughter cried contipated anticipated chapters before reaching them Daddy o taught strength from what hex was taught mom mom education and GiGi love of God to build the phenomenal Man Will Smth. I truly enjoy this audible Book and has told everyone who will listen. This MUST BECOME A MOVIE. With tears in my eyes love in my heart Mr Smith knows what life love and family is show your children pride strength endurance you will bring forth women and men by example.

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Tika T.

I loved this!

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Alexis R.

INCREDIBLE!!! i freaking loved this book. it was authentic entertaining. MUST READ

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Wow, loved this book.

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Lori M.

Amazing book, made me laugh, made me cry, made me happy. This book is joy, pure joy. Thank you Will!

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Only one word really…. Incredible..!!!!!!!!

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Jody B.

I was anchored down to go on a lifelong ride with Will Smith's depiction of his life story. I read the reviews, listening to the interviews on Good Morning America and Jimmy Fallon. I should've known the book wasn't a tell-all indeed but just some inserts of his life from the reaction or lack of reaction that was given by Jimmy Fallon and to say TJ Holmes of Good Morning America made me think that the book was a life-changing experience. The only thing life-changing was my time (just my opinion). When Will Smith asked Jimmy Fallon did he read the book Jimmy Fallon said that he listen to the book on audiobooks and Jimmy Fallon changed the subject. Now I know why Jimmy Fallon changed the subject because if one is to tell a story about one's life the story shouldn’t be addressed as to paint a picture of a prince in white clothing riding away in the sunset but one of a real person. After listening to the book all that I could hold on to was Will Smith exploring jumping from a helicopter over the Grand Canyon and that was even cut. This book was nothing like reading James Baldwin, Langston Hughes, or Ralph Ellison. I think the book would’ve been better if he wrote in the third person. Will Smith didn’t even tell the full story about his first movie “Six Degrees six degrees of Separation” where he played the fake son of The Actor Sidney Poitier him being a very wise speaker which helped him cultivate his way into a Suburban upper-class white family that believed him and gave him full access to their home and life until they caught him in bed having sex with their son (Now that was shocking). Undoubtedly Will Smith has a successful Rap Music career and I have watched and enjoyed many of his movies my favorite is Seven Pounds. Not to continue to ravel on I am ending and giving this book a three out of five. I guess this is what you get for $15 dollars.

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