Gary Smalley is one of the country's best-known authors and speakers on relationships. He is the author and co-author of 52 best-selling, award-winning books and videos which have connected to over 12 million people. In 40 years Gary has spoken to over two million people in live conferences and he has appeared on national televisions programs such as, ‘TBN’, ‘Oprah Winfrey’, ‘Fox News & Friends’, ‘Larry King Live’, ‘NBC Today Show’, ‘James Robison Show’ as well as numerous national radio programs such as ‘Sean Hannity Show’, ‘Focus on the Family’, Oliver North, and many more. Gary is president and founder of the Smalley Relationship Center providing research, relationship coaching, conferences nation-wide, books, videos and small group curriculum. Gary and his wife, Norma, have been married for 43 years and live in Branson, Missouri. With their three married children, Kari, Greg, and Michael they have 8 grandchildren. One of Gary’s new books, is based on 5 years of new extensive research, is called, “Change Your Heart, Change Your Life”. It provides the most practical principles on truly changing your life. With people struggling with over 300 addictions, countries in war, pornography and sexual addictions at an all time high, the highest divorce rate in the world and list goes on and change is critical!
“Life is relationships; the rest is just details.” We are designed for relationships, yet they often bring us pain. In this paradigm-shifting book, Gary Smalley unravels the DNA of relationships: we are made for three great relationships—with God, o... SEE MORE