Unabridged Audiobook
Way too many characters. Too much jumping around from character to character. Disappointing.
I believe I’ve found another new favorite author. I love this series (Amgash). Each chapter is about someone who has passed throughout Lucy’s life and then even a bit on her and her siblings. I love the author’s style of writing and now I’m going to start the 3rd book of the Amgash series!!!
Loved this book and the narrator. The characters fit like a jigsaw puzzle, lovely to behold when finished
I think I liked this even better than I did My Name Is Lucy Barton. I loved the way the stories connected one to the other. I liked being introduced to these new characters and their stories. One of my favorite characters was Tommy. I thought his story was really interesting and liked that he had such a good heart. I like that Strout used not so familiar names, and that her characters were so real, emotional, and vulnerable. I’ve read a lot of reviews of this book where people said that they thought there were too many characters. I usually don’t like a lot of different characters either, and if the book had been one continuous story I might have had a hard time following along. But since it was a book of short stories that didn’t bother me. When one story ended, it was like going on to another book. I wish I could explain it better, but the point is it didn’t bother me at all. Kimberly Farr did a great job with the narration. It was very easy to listen to.
Well written display of human vulnerability. This book examines what lies under the surface of the people you share a day with, a week ignoring or a lifetime loving.
Horrible and boring. No actual plot. Little stories about 20 different characters with no actual events or plot or anything.