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Caterina Travels to Italy
#2 of Conversational Italian for Travelers
Written by:
Kathryn Occhipinti
Narrated by:
Lorena Caminiti
Anna Venzon
Marco Martinoli
Maria Vanessa Colapinto
Kathryn Occhipinti
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Release Date
January 13, 2024
2 hours 50 minutes
Caterina Travels to Italy is a collection of dialogues that tell the story of a fictional Italian-American woman as she travels to Italy and then spends time there with Italian relatives. The story is a part of the Conversational Italian for Travelers series of books that was created for the beginning Italian student who wants to learn, “all the Italian you need to enjoy your trip to Italy!”
Each chapter in Caterina Travels to Italy begins with a brief introduction that summarizes the action to be played out, introduces the characters in the dialogue, and emphasizes important Italian grammar points. We follow the main character Caterina as she journeys to Italy, meets her relatives and their friends, and spends some vacation time at the beach. These dialogues focus on taking public transportation, as well as going to a party, meeting that special someone, making reservations, and eating out in a restaurant.
There are two ways to listen to Caterina Travels to Italy, which has been recorded with native Italian speakers and an Italian-American for the role of Caterina. The Italian-only audio for the complete 18 chapters of Caterina Travels to Italy is presented first, and is found on Tracks 3-20. The chapters are then repeated to include the English translation for each line, with Italian first and the English translation to follow. Listen to the chapter in Italian and then check your comprehension with the Italian-English chapter!
Visit our website, to download the PDFs for these dialogues and for the links to our blog Conversational Italian!' and other free material to learn Italian.
Fasten your seatbelts for an interesting and fun-filled flight, as we begin to experience the wonders of Italy through the Italian language!
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Caterina Travels to Italy...
Kathryn Occhipinti
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