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Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life

Written by:
Richard Rohr
Narrated by:
Richard Rohr

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
May 24, 2011
6 hours 27 minutes
In the first half of life, we are naturally preoccupied with establishing ourselves; climbing, achieving, and performing. But as we grow older and encounter challenges and mistakes, we need to see ourselves in a different and more life-giving way. This message of falling down - that is in fact moving upward - is the most resisted and counterintuitive of messages in the world's religions. Falling Upward offers a new paradigm for understanding one of the most profound of life's mysteries: how those who have fallen down are the only ones who understand up. We grow spiritually more by doing it wrong than by doing it right, and the disappointments of life are actually stepping stones to the spiritual joys in the second half of life.
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Margaret P.

i am in the Masters Degree program at St.. Norbert College and this book was assigned for The Psychology of Faith Formation class. My eyesight is not good so I was happy to find it as an audio book and even happier that I could adjust the narrator faster. This book is excellent. Richard Rohr simply and engagingly explains his model for faith formation in words that made me want to know more. It helped me personally as I was able to identify myself just beginning the second half of my spiritual life. Totally recommend it. Happy reading!

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Whenever Richard Rohr narrates his own lectures or his books it is magical. I wish he narrated all of his works. A very inspiring book for personal faith!

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Howard M.

One of Richard Rohr’s books.

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B. K. J.

As someone “well into the second half,” I found Rohr’s book profound & affirming. Certainly gives one pause to reexamine priorities & consider making changes even on the brink of our 80s.

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Meg J

Richard Rohr's Falling Upward helped me finally put together things about my own life experiences and those that I see in others that have perplexed me forever. Understanding my maturing self in terms of First and Last Half of Life has been an Ah Ha! and a comfort at the same time. Lots of pieces fell into place with this book.

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Karen B

Wonderful book and the narrator coincided with it.

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Jacob Frietsch

Could not enjoy this author more. Especially as a recovering alcoholic/addict. Heck, even as a recovering Christian. You'll be blessed.

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