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Written by:
Samuel Alexander
Narrated by:
Michael Mola
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
April 1, 2024
7 hours 32 minutes
Anxious, nervous, and a bit on edge, Dario is stepping into his new normal. Trying to embrace his true self is a daunting task: his non-relationship with his father goes further south; he can’t seem to get past the walls he built to hide from himself and his parents, and the closer he gets to the goal the harder it seems to attain.

Despite the depressing odds, Dario moves forward intent on taking Kevin with him. Kevin is funny, confident and all sorts of cute. He sees the greatness in Dario that Dario’s friends have been trying to make him see in himself for years. Kevin finds the real Dario before even he can.

The way Dario feels around Kevin is new, strange, and exciting. What they share should be fun but anxiety and Dario’s old belief system threaten to kill this connection before it begins. Will his parents' influence continue to block his efforts with Kevin? Will the damage of the fake Dario undo his efforts to become whole? Is freedom only a dream and not something for him to own?

These are just some of Dario's fears, but there is one truth he can latch onto; if Kevin could find the person buried deep inside of him, why couldn’t he?

NOTE: This is the final instalment in the series and it picks up exactly where the previous ended. It's recommended to read this series in order as some parts are also different vantage points over the same time.
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