Unabridged Audiobook
I wish it came with a warning that it was so heavily focused on Christianity. I definitely wouldn’t have chosen this book if I knew that. It was cringy. I was hoping to get much more out of the book than I did.
I too wish there was a warming up front that this is a very very very Christian book. The author also fat shames through out the book, making plus size women seem less than. She is a privileged mother with a rich husband. She also makes a pretty offensive remark about Gypsies right off the bat.. the whole book is in poor taste and mentions Jesus more than any real advice.
This book and Rachel Hollis really did a fantastic job at the "real talk" that many women need to hear on the regular, at least I know I do. We often get so caught up as women in life and the tasks we complete - struggling through situations alone because we're too scared to share them due to the judgment of others. Rachel did a fantastic job at showing that all women struggle with the same things through the many different seasons of life and that we need to lean on each other a little bit more because we're not alone.
Kind of boring and a little too religious for me. Only made it through the first hour and realized I've been tuning out most of the time. On to another book....
Egomania pretending to be "humble". This woman literally states that she was drinking vodka and taking Xanax, while caring for a medically fragile infant... and also states that she was accused of shaking this infant. What in the WORLD! Someone needs to re-examine that case. She describes emotional abuse and then states that it magically disappeared one day after she told her abuser she was done with him... right. She talks about eating a package of Oreos and equates it to life long struggles with eating... then fat shames women and basically insinuates that they're less valuable than thin women. She displays blatant xenophobia and mocks another religion. And what I find absolutely reprehensible, is her using her brothers suicide for sympathy. It literally turned my stomach as she was talking about how hard it was to find someone in her family to teach her how to drive in her deceased brother's car, which she received after he died. Maybe her brothers suicide caused some kind of empathic break.. I really have no clue, but this book is disgusting. She uses basic CBT techniques to encourage readers to change their lives... which isnt bad in itself... but her "stories" about her life are seriously atrocious.
I enjoyed this book, it is honest, truthful, and relatable. Several of her issues are thing I go through daily myself.
If you want to hear a privileged white woman talk about her life and hear her brag about how much she’s accomplished, then this is the book for you! I was expecting this book to be more motivational and uplifting, but at times it was condescending and the opposite of the gospel even though she tries to come across as righteous. Full of humble brags and repetitive stories...literally. Also, her voice was annoying to listen to.
I feel like if you relate to the topic she talks about in the chapter you'll like it. For me, I could only relate to some of the chapters. I made it a goal to finish the book, but found myself only liking the chapters that I could relate to.
Maybe I had it built up too much in my head, or maybe it wasn't what I was expecting...regardless, I was disappointed. Nothing new on how to live your best life. Stories were kind of obnoxious after a while. I would have enjoyed more spiritual insight and grounding instead of the occasional reference. There wasn’t much substance to the book. I guess since I'm not a Jen Hatmaker fan this didn't hit a homer with me.
Very uplifting. I truly enjoyed this audio. I literally listen to it everyday at work. Some chapters I replay. ❤️
This book was so great!!!! Very uplifting!!! It is a must read!!!!!!
I love how she speaks the truth and is willing to talk about sunjects that are not just fluff but at the root of women's insecurities. I really enjoyed have the actual author read it aloud.
I really didn't like how it was so heavily based around God. I'm sure that caters to most but not me.
Too much preaching!! It’s like all of her sermons shoved between the cover. I listened to the whole thing because I’m a bit OCD with finishing what I’ve started but it was too painful. The good advice was hard to hear through all the preaching and lecturing.
I wish there was a warning about how religious and Christian based this book is. I loved Rachel’s personality while reading but as someone with religious trauma in the past I wish there was more of a warning.
Should come with a warning! Very righteous, privileged, extremely religious and judgmental! I was sure this was a motivational, girl power book. It’s really not! This was on my ‘wishlist’ for over a year so when this and Rachel’s next book came up as a 2 for 1 I didn’t hesitate! Wish I hadn’t used a credit to be preached to. I
I downloaded the book before I read the comment reviews and I have to say... I am 27, overweight at 265lbs, and a mother of 3 kids. I feel the need to add in that I am an atheist. I do not believe in religion and I still thought this book was great! I started reading reviews right before I listened to it and was dreading it thinking... great, another overly “God” in your face, perfect person author. TOTALLY NOT THE CASE. She mentions being a Christian a few times but definitely did not write this book based on that. The comments about her fat shaming... come on. She was uplifting and made me feel like I can do this. I can do anything. Never once did anything she said hurt my feelings or make me feel lesser by being over weight. I’m js. It’s a damn good book, and I will definitely be reading the next one!
I wanted to like this book more. I heard a lot of good things about it and genuinely took to heart Rachel’s advice early on about holding yourself accountable and not breaking promises to yourself. I break promises to myself all the time, I realized, and since hearing those words, I’m working on it. And Rachel is a genuinely engaging narrator. So many audiobooks lull me to sleep, but Rachel is enthusiastic and emotional in her reading. That said, a lot of this book is humblebragging. It gets to be a bit tiring and repetitive after a while, and I really didn’t know so much of the book would be dedicated to motherhood and Christianity – perhaps my fault, but neither of those things apply to me, and she hit both topics hard.
Just a bit simple, some of the advice seems to be quotes she found on Pinterest. I feel like she is trying to be relateable but she just isn't. couldn't get past chapter 2, it's all about her which get pretty boring. Glad I picked this book on the free trial so I'm not out anything!
I like the overall message but could get past the "Jesus Christ this" and "Jesus!!" I felt it was distasteful to use that so many times throughout the little bit I listened. I really wanted to listen to her message but not with that in there. I'm not one to be overly Sensitive either but too much is too much.
I love Rachel and Dave and enjoyed the raw honesty she offered readers in this book. I will be listening to it again, taking notes, and buying the hard copy! I believe everyone can take something positive away from this book. We need more honest voices like Rachel’s in this crazy world.
This was the pick for our book club this month! It was a really great (audio)book with lots of real-life situations, advice and I loved hearing the author read her story and own it! You could feel the intention behind her words and they made me laugh and cry and feel all sorts of motivated to be a better version of myself. Highly recommend.
Love it!! Made me want to wash my face and get on with my life! Inspirational!
Life changing book! I love everything about this audiobook! Most important I love that Rachel Hollis narrates it.
This was an excellent book - inspiring and encouraging. While there were Christian themes and points, it wasn’t overwhelming and can be easily translated to your own belief system (even if you don’t believe in any Higher Power at all). The author was up front in her Introduction about her faith and her understanding that many of her readers aren’t of the same belief system as her. I felt the book was deeply honest and found myself writing down many of her quotes and suggestions.
I loved this book! I plan to listen a few times, and I typically don’t like self-help books.
love, love & more love this book. ❤
This was the most amazing motivating book ever! She is so inspirational! This is a must read! She is just so real and makes it so easy to relate to her stories!!
I absolutely loved this book. As I listened, I felt as though she was speaking to me and she knew my life. Looking forward to the next book.
Meh…. Just meh…. I’m Not for the self horn tooting I expected something else
Wayyy to religious. Felt duped.
This book is ok, not really what I was expecting. To me it’s basically just a biography with a bunch of the authors life stories and it lost my interest really fast. I was expecting more of here’s the lie we believe here steps on how to overcome it, not just a life story about it.
I wish I didn’t even bother wasting a credit on this mindless drivel. It’s so easy to be successful according to Rachel. All you need is to already have an in with the Hollywood elites and springboard off of that. She is a hack.
I guess this is a “fake it until you make it” thing. Maybe the idea is to be authentic and grateful and happiness will fall into place? I really was kind of disappointed in this. It’s kind of sad this was a best seller.
Needs a Christianity warning. If you aren’t religious (or religious but not Christian) I’d avoid. Nothing in this book resonated with me because it was all framed through her belief in God.
This book should come with a non-secular warning. I'd say to myself, "One more God and I'm turning it off", eventually I did 4/5 chapters in. There are some good take-away messages and Rachel is obviously very passionate about what she does as well as talented and has worked hard to get where she is but too much emphasis is put on God's part to play in her success.
Not for me... I’m not religious; my children are grown, this book is for young, Christian mothers. I was able to relate to the suicide sadness, otherwise I just couldn’t get into this book... Rachel does a fine job narrating, it’s her book though, she should.
This book has challenged me in ways that I never knew it could. I feel that I have hit a turning point now. I have hit my “rock bottom and I go no further”! Thanks Rach for being the friend I never had. Thanks for being honest and true. My head has been spinning since I listened to the audio version. I am looking forward to reading it and diving much deeper!
I have a confession. I don’t have a lot of time to read so I’m an ‘audiobook’ reader. Usually it’s fiction because it’s a break from real life. Given recent events and some self reflection I thought it was time to go a bit further. I had stumbled on this fiction author I loved (and when you listen to books and the author reads them it’s so much better, you hear what they were trying to say) so after finishing her trilogy I searched for more. I’m not a ‘Self help’ book connoisseur but I loved her and given what I said above I thought why not? She drove me crazy, I laughed, I cried, I disagreed, and I got mad. But it helped. It helped ground me, gain perspective, gain grace, reflect and even if I didnt agree it forced me to think about it. We plow through life...one task, expectation, nuance, theme after another. But this was helpful at almost 40 to slow down, reflect on my wins and losses, mistakes and heart breaks and amazing successes. So, listen or read or whatever works (it took me a year of listening to books to finally not feel Guilty I wasn’t reading them!). Just my .02! Hope you enjoy! #rachelhollis
I’m a 50 year old grandma of 2, soon to be 3 grandchildren, yay me!. I’ve lived a little. I wish this book had been around when I was 20 ish. Rachel is sweet and honest. Sometimes it hurts a little to listen to her stories, because it reflects on ones self. I feel like this book wants you to be one thing and that is to be your best self, while embracing your flaws and insecurities. No matter your age you will be up lifted by this inspiring and edifying book! I loved listening to Rachel she seemed like a girlfriend I haven’t talked to in a long time. Listen to this book! Then have your mother, daughters, nieces, friends listen. Then have your husband listen. Take a road trip and trap him in the car so he has to listen, it will help him under you, your daughter, and his sisters better. Loved this listen!
Every woman has to read this book! Honest and motivating!
Probably the best book ever written other then the Bible
I loved how it was straight to the point in every topic that make some people cringe! Hard conversations that not everyone wants to just be real about with one another.
I loved this book! I was surprised by all the Christian references, but it still fit. If you throw out those parts out or think about it aligning with your own faith you will absolutely love this book the way I did. The author and narrator is witty and funny. Rachel as the narrator made me appreciate the advice all the more. Thank you for the wonderful book.
Just a Christian book dressed up as self help
Don’t like the writer it was boring and not getting to the point at all.
I started it and actually thought I was not going to enjoy it. I gave it a few days and gave it another shot. I’m so glad I didn’t give up. It was motivating and inspiring to say the least. We women are so hard on ourselves and this book reminded me to give myself a break. It made me tell my girlfriends as well to take it easy on ourselves that we need to treat ourselves as we treat each other.
Loved the narrator. Good read and inspiring!
A shockingly poor book filled with theology, condescension and unsubstantiated reasons for success…e.g. the author attributes her success to being the “hardest working person in her class”…how does she know how hard the others worked? I’m bewildered that this book made it onto so many “must read” lists.
this is such a vulnerable, raw, honest, motivating book! the balance between faith and taking action is biblical and so encouraging.
used to love this book and her until I unpacked all the toxic, unhelpful advice. it was a lot of hype not a lot of substance.
This is a great book for motivation. Gets you up and at em to push through your days when you’re not feeling like you want too!
Well done young lady. I'm 60+ but found your book informative.
I absolutely loved this book! I recently found Rachel when my son started Pre K, and I was looking for things to do, and I found her podcast. I'm so happy I started listening to her books! I felt like she was speaking directly to me. By the end, I was in tears.
Amazing book has helped me
Amazing!! Loved every single word of this book! I am already suggesting it to my friends. ❤️
i loved it
Problematic, harmful, and shame inducing. Waste of money and time
I started with Girl Stop Apologizing and listened to this book second. I didn’t think this one was nearly as applicable. It didn’t give me the take aways I appreciated from the first.
Amazing book. My younger self could have benefited from quite a bit of this information!
This book, to the fault of society not the author, shames women for a system that has taught them certain actions or paths are “failures” and a matter of willpower. Maybe the problem is that women are expected to go on unrealistic diets, lose weight, be the perfect mom or wife. Maybe those goals are not the right goals and women should not be expected to “keep those promises”. A system set up to make people fail is the problem, not the people being shamed for being taught poorly. If anyone is reading this review before picking this book out, read something about HAES (Health at Every Size) - Sick Enough is a great read but does get into specific medical terminology. Also read about intuitive eating!!
I don’t feel that it was as “Christian” as some reviews say. Sure there are some notations of her being a Christian and some points she made based on because she was a Christian but honestly, it’s not as bad as some others say. It’s a very insightful book for women and talks about a lot of topics that we as women need to talk about, but don’t
Every woman should read/listen to this at least once in their life.
I think it is a very good book for younger women especially with little ones. I am 40’s with adult kids so I couldn’t relate to a lot. However, it is very well written and read!
I also feel that if you can relate to the chapters, you’ll enjoy the book. I could resonate to some of the chapters, but not all.
Enjoyed this book. This was my 1st Book on audio and I just downloaded another one of her books.
I loved this because it was so relatable! I laughed, cried, and learned! Simply amazing!
Fantastic. I enjoyed every minute of this! I listened to it 4 times!!!!! And have gifted it twice. *warning this can step on toes. more like squish them. but it's worth listening to with an open mind. then decide for yourself. you don't have to agree with everything she says to get so much from this book. I loved it, as a very firm "bible thumping Christian".
Overall, it was a great book. Some chapters I related to more than others, but even the ones I couldn't relate to were good enough for me to appreciate. The author was very upfront and honest throughout the book and you can tell her personality shines through her writing. I didn't expect the religious aspect of the book but with her being Christian, it makes sense and I appreciate her for showing that side of herself. I think the critiques suggesting that the book is extremely religious are a bit harsh, she references Jesus but usually in the context of herself. The book is very motivating and I think women from many walks of life can find at least one chapter that resonates with them. If you're considering the book, just keep in mind that the author is an honest, married, Christian mother and she draws from her own experiences to share her story and whats helped her get through life. If you are fine with that, you will love the book.
The author made me laugh, cry and just listen. So much material was covered that pertained to me and my life which made me reevaluate many things I do in life. Thank you
so needed this well done Rachel!!!
Life changing, oh so life changing. I love how she picks you up and makes you show up to do the hard work. Her story is an inspiration and so easy to relate to for me, WOW - I am going to read every one of her books.
This book was recommended to me but sadly I didn’t think it was good.
This book spoke to my soul! Loved it
Very good book good listen
So good! Love this book!!! It's very straightforward and inspiring! Also, in my opinion, narration by the author is a huge added value since you can hear it as it was meant to be heard/read :)
loved it !
Very inspiring read!
There is some awesome content in this book! Don’t get me wrong. I think some great examples and issues talked about. I was disappointed with how many times religion was a focal point. I believe you can be and represent anything you want, but it was a bit too “preachy” for my tastes.
This book made me laugh, cry, gave me hope, and opened my mind. So so thankful that you were willing to share your story!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this book. I love this book so much I have bought three copies and passed it on to others with directions to pass it on after they are done. The empowerment and "real" talk is refreshing and common sense. The author is downright honest at times painfully honest. I hear my story in her words. At times I felt she was reading my story describing my pains and thoughts and doubts! LOVE - now moving on to Girl Stop Apologizing!! LOved that the author read this book. IT made it more real and honest As I sat in my car I often felt she was sitting next to me and we were sharing our thoughts and feelings!
Awesome read! I hadn’t ever heard of Rachel Hollis but when I started reading the book I just related to every page! I related to her situations. Great read with awesome practical solutions!
I absolutely love his book and have literally told all my girlfriend's that they have to read this book or get the audiobook. In every chapter I related to some part of it and felt reassured that someone said the things that I think. The alcoholism chapter was so gut wrenching for me as I struggle with substance abuse and self medicating. I would have to pause the audiobook if I was listening while getting ready for fear that I would wash away my makeup because she would say something that touched my soul. if ever a self help book was so self helping this is it. Thank you Mrs. Hollis
Great book with wonderful truths. Very motivating
I enjoyed this book and can relate to the things that she went through. Loved it!
How many times can you cry through a book, cause it is speaking to your heart! My life is FOREVER changed, and a change for the better! Pick this book up and don't put it down till YOU........have learned that YOU ARE ENOUGH!!!!! You are in charge of YOU! #domore #bemore #risetogether
The author is sweet and kind and unabashfully herself. Which is great! It is a lot of common knowledge, but there is a sweet motivation that comes through the pages.
More of a self help book. Just not the book for me. She read it very well though, you can hear her passion.
This book is great, and all women/ mommas should read it!
Love, love, love Rachel Hollis. I think her ideas and views on life are phenomenal and is great about getting you to think outside the box and out yourself in other's shoes. Her narration is great and keeps the book interesting.
Very uplifting and insightful! Rachel is easy to relate to. She is very down to earth and is honest. She doesn’t beat around the bush. Her examples of her struggles were very relatable for me. I really loved this book.
WORSE book I have ever bought. Regret buying it. Hate it!!!
Loved this book, even though I’m probably not the intended target audience. Now I need to get my daughters to read/listen to it as the message is so on point.
Life changing! I am obsessed, can’t wait for the next one!
I decided to buy this book because I already listen to Rachel’s podcast. I enjoyed listening and feel like she is motivational and straight forward with her advice and her personal stories are great!
amazing book and Rachel reads it so perfectly and keeps listeners interested. I literally counted the moments until I could listen more.
I love how she designated each chapter to a lie we shouldn't tell ourselves. I appreciate her insights and advice, especially as an entrepreneur (and even though I'm not a mother).
I loved this book. The author added humour to discuss some real topics. I would recommend this book to any 30+ year old woman.
Very good and uplifting and a lot of good points. Great she is willing to share so much in hopes to relate some sort of aspect of her life with her readers!
Rambles on, too much self reflection. Extremely boring
Best book I've read all year. Glad I payed attention to the "voice" that nudged me to give it a go. So much to carry with me in my current season and the future. New Rachel Hollis fan right here!
This book is amazing, she just talks so real.
was pleasantly surprised at the candor of this book. I loved that it was read by the author and she was more about giving it to you straight. Like other comments below, I only related to a few of the chapters, but she was speaking directly to me on the ones I struggle with. She gave me the good, loving kick in the pants needed to light my fire. Not just another self help book- one that actually inspires!
This book makes me so happy! The last chapter hit me like BOOM! GIRL WASH YOUR FACE! Love it! Definitely recommend.
Such an inspiring book. Love love love!!
I enjoyed the first half a lot but as a previous person stated if you related to the chapter you would love it otherwise it made it difficult to follow. I told myself I had to finish it though and I did.
I enjoyed the concept of this book and appreciate the author’s truth to her beliefs but it became too churchy at points. I actually skipped over parts of chapters because I am a a non-believer and it lost its power when the god switch was turned on.
Rachel Hollis did a fantastic job with the nitty gritty of life! Her book was truely inspirational and the book was not only my one of my favourites so far, the narration don’t by Rachel made it even better. Highly recommend to everyone!
Enjoyed immensely Thank you Julie and Tasha!
This is the 1st book of Mrs Hollis that I have read. I really enjoyed it & will be looking for others!
This book is SO REAL
Love it!! Very inspiring!
I loved everything about this. From her voice reading it to the way she has the book laid out. Such a good read.
I had no expectations going into this book and ended up listening to the entire book in one day, and telling several friends to download it. I truly think that it is meant to be listened to in Rachel’s voice. I cannot imagine reading it and feeling the same emotions to parts that resonated with me without hearing her tell her own story. I have never known her as a public figure in any way, so I enjoyed this book strictly for what it was. Fantastic!!!
Love this book only had it one day and almost done with it. I like that the author is the narrator.
this book really hits home. motivational and relatable. a definite must read
This book is so motivating! Love how down to earth the author is!
This book was so on point. It had me laughing, nodding my head in agreement, crying, and telling myself that I am the only person standing in my way of my own happiness. It was such a good read/listen. Would HIGHLY recommend for any mom or wife. It’s so refreshing and relatable.
Loved her writing style and everythingvsge has to say! A little too much emphasis on God for my taste. Overall a great book.
Humor and book were a little basic. Get a sample first.
I love how transparent she is about real issues that women struggle with. She hits it all--sex, kids, work, death, and so much more.
Hands down a life changing book. I couldn’t help but look over some of those negative reviews and think wow where and how did you feel that way! Yes, it is Christian based but she does such a great job of using it in her own narrative and accepting others with different ones. The book really gave me hope and inspiration, I am currently re-reading it now.