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Henry Alford - The Poetry Of

Written by:
Henry Alford
Narrated by:
Richard Mitchley

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
May 4, 2017
0 hours 49 minutes
Henry Alford, The Poetry. Poetry is a fascinating use of language. With almost a million words at its command it is not surprising that these Isles have produced some of the most beautiful, moving and descriptive verse through the centuries. In this series we look at individual poets who have shaped and influenced their craft and cement their place in our heritage. In this volume we look at the works of the Victorian Poet Henry Alford. Alford was born in London in 1810. Something of a prodigy he had published several Latin odes and a history of the Jews by the time he was 10. Graduating from Cambridge his life was to follow in the family footsteps of being a clergyman and he held the post of Vicar at Wymeswold in Leicestershire, for the next 18 years. Shortly after this he became the Dean of Canterbury. Much of his career highlights are based on his theology and such works as his startling 4 volume edition of the New Testament in Greek. But in this volume we concentrate on his poems. A fine example of a Victorian poet who managed to write several volumes of his own verse, his work is undeniably religious in tone but it has that quality of wonderment of expressing something beyond and apart from themselves. Many of the poems are also available as an audiobook from our sister company Portable Poetry. Many samples are at our youtube channel The full volume can be purchased from iTunes, Amazon and other digital stores. Among our readers are Richard Mitchley and Ghizela Rowe. Index Of Poems; Written January 1st 1832; Written During An Aurora Borealis January 7th 1831; Sonnet 59; Sonnet XLIII. The Malvern Hills, March 12th 1835; April 1844; Sonnet LVII - Summit Of Skiddaw, July 7th 1838; August 19th 1830; August the 22nd 1830; Sonnet XXL, Sacred To The Memory Of Edward Spedding Who Died September 3rd 1832; The National Prayer, October 1840; November 1847; Lines Written October 23rd 1836, A Few Hours After The Birth Of My First Child; February 3rd 1830; February 10th 1840; A Day Dream; A Doubt; A Truant Hour; Anticipation; Be Just And Fear Not; Faith; Life's Answer; Life's Question; Midnight Thoughts; Peace; Rydal Mount; Sonnet LVIII. Descent Of The Same; Sonnet LXIV. Written At Ghent; Sonnet LXXX. My Ancestors; Sonnet LXXXVII. We Want But Little: In The Morning Tide; Sonnet LXXXVIII. The Inward Pleasure Of Our Human Soul; Sonnet XCVIII. There Is One Baptism; Sonnet XCIX. Day By Day We Magnify Thee; Sonnet XLV. When I Behold Thee, Only Living One; Sonnet XLVI. Each Morn The Same Sun Rises On Our Day; Sonnet XLVIII. Sleep, Gentle Love! And Let The Soothing Dew; Sonnet XXII. The Dying Bed; Sonnet XXIV. The Same Sonnet XXV. The Funeral; Sonnet XXVIII. O When Shall This Frail Tenement Of Day; Sonnet XXX. On Seeing Our Family Vault; Sonnet XXXV. Twere Better Far From Noon To Eventide; Sonnet XXXVI. The Gipsy Girl; Sonnet XXXVIII. Epiphany; Sonnet VII. Truth Loveth Not To Lavish Upon All; The Ancient Man; The Bride; The Land's End; The Little Mourner; The Passion Of St. Agnes; The Salzburg Chimes; To A Beautiful Female Portrait; To A Drop Of Dew; To A Moonbeam By Our Fireside; Two Fragments; You And I
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