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Loving and Living Your Way Through Grief: A Comprehensive Guide to Reclaiming and Cultivating Joy and Carrying on in the Face of Loss
Written by:
Emily Thiroux Threatt
Narrated by:
Senn Annis
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Release Date
May 25, 2021
6 hours 9 minutes
Loving and Living Your Way Through Grief is a handbook on how to deal with grief, organized so that you can pick and choose a topic from the table of contents pertaining to the issue that is affecting you the most at that moment.
Rediscover sustained moments of joy as you seek a new way of being in the world. Loving and Living Your Way Through Grief guides and lightens the journey to positivity for those who feel the pain of loss, whether it is the loss of a loved one, a job, a marriage, a house, a pregnancy, a nest egg―anyone or anything that we loved and that is no longer in our lives. In this audiobook, author and fellow griever Emily Thiroux Threatt provides you with strategies to embrace the process of learning how to start living again. The audiobook includes 26 practices and stories from people who have been through the grieving process and have come out on the other side feeling renewed: one for every week of the year.
Mourning and coping with grief looks different for everyone. Emily organized Loving and Living Your Way Through Grief with this in mind, giving you 26 different options to try in any given moment. Find what works for you, with dozens of ideas covered, including:
- Meditating and allowing space for mindful grieving, sadness and loneliness
- Finding joy and gratitude in the dark moments
- Learning what you can say to others so that they can better understand and help you in your recovery journey
If you’ve found help from grief books like It's OK That You're Not OK, Bearing the Unbearable, To Love and Let Go, or Things I Wish I Knew Before My Mom Died, then you’ll be encouraged and inspired by all of the tips and ideas in Loving and Living Your Way Through Grief.
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Emily Thiroux Threatt
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