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The Magic Path of Intuition

The Magic Path of Intuition

Written by:
Florence Scovel Shinn
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
June 4, 2022
1 hour 10 minutes
This recording has been digitally produced by DeepZen Limited, using a synthesised version of an audiobook narrator’s voice under license. DeepZen uses Emotive Speech Technology to create digital narrations that offer a similar listening experience to human narration. 

'Prayer is phoning God, and intuition is God phoning you.' True prayer means preparation. Having made your requests to the Universal Supply for any good, act immediately, as if you expected to receive it. Show active faith, thus impressing the subconscious mind with expectation. One way to cultivate intuition is to say before you sleep, 'In the morning, I will know what to do.' Ideas will shatter before you begin to reason. Prayer is telephoning God, and intuition is God telephoning you. Intuition comes from your superconscious mind. It is God within you. The subconscious mind is simply power without direction. What you feel deeply or say with feeling is imprinted in the subconscious mind and executed in minute detail. It is your soul and must be restored. You imprint the subconscious mind with the perfect ideas of the superconscious mind instead of the doubts and fears of the conscious mind.By following intuition, you often go for one thing and get another. From the superconscious - the realm of intuition - what you should know will be revealed to you.
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