The Map Of Consciousness Explained

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
March 2019
7 hours 48 minutes
The Map of Consciousness Explained is a compilation of Dr. David R. Hawkins' lectures on human consciousness and their associated energy fields. Using muscle testing, Dr. Hawkins conducted over 250,000 calibrations during 20 years of research to define a range of values, attitudes, and emotions that correspond to levels of consciousness. This range of values, along with a logarithmic scale of 1 to 1,000, became the Map of Consciousness, which Dr. Hawkins first wrote about in his bestselling book, Power vs. Force (1995). In the lectures on this audio download, Dr. Hawkins explains the classifications and energy fields of the Map of Consciousness, making them comprehensible and useful in daily life. With this unique higher understanding, we are able to evolve spiritually to be freer, happier human beings in all areas of our lives.
A supplemental PDF of The Map of Consciousness is included with this audio download.
Audio Tracks:
Map of Consciousness Overview
Calibration in the Map of Consciousness
Truth Teachers and Teachings
Action and Aversion Part I
Dualities of Shame
Transcending Barriers
Dualities of Guilt and Hate
Grief, Fear, Desire, Anger and Pride
Attraction and Aversion Part II
Courage up to the Enlightenment
Perception vs Essence
Self-Realization and Enlightenment of the Mystic
Knowing One's Divinity
The Map of Consciousness
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