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MeatEater's American History: The Long Hunters (1761-1775)

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
January 9, 2024
6 hours 2 minutes
From the creators of the New York Times bestselling series Campfire Stories: Close Calls comes a new original audiobook that brings to life the bold, hair-raising, and often tragic adventures of a generation of eighteenth-century frontiersmen: the Long Hunters.

Steven Rinella (The MeatEater Podcast) and Clay Newcomb (MeatEater's Bear Grease podcast) gather listeners for a new round of stories, this time drawing from the lives of the rugged Long Hunters, who include such figures as Daniel Boone, Henry Skaggs, and Kasper Mansker. These were the commercial hunters and trappers who explored and exploited the First Far West, the land across the Appalachian Mountains, in the era between the Seven Years War and the American Revolution—one of the most fabled periods of American history.

The feats of these courageous, resilient backwoodsmen forever shaped a national identity centered around individualism, capitalism, freedom, and the need for wild places and wild animals.
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Alec M.

An outstanding listen. You don’t need to be an outdoorsman or hunter to enjoy this. Steve and Clay tell a visual story, which I often caught myself staring into the void lost in the story.

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Carl B.

Listened to this twice over would love more like it!!!

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Cindy S.

Fascinating book and story. Keep them coming.

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Jordan K.

Really great storytelling about underappreciated time in North America. There were several details that I had only a passing knowledge. It definitely held my interest throughout. The back and forth style narrating is a bit jarring at first. It gives a feeling of a podcast rather than a book at times. It takes a little bit, but I eventually found their groove.

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Peter M.

Simply stunning. Excellent expertise, storytelling.

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Howard T.

Very enjoyable book in every way.

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Blake T.

Really good, the details on the hunting, equipment, and methods are so specific.

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