Unabridged Audiobook
What a great book! I learned a lot about his career and came out as more of a fan than I had thought since I’m not in agreement with most of his views. Worth a read for all Americans.
I am not Republican but I have really honored Romney’s ethics and beliefs about Democracy. Being from Utah, I learned many things and probably would vote for him as President after understanding his strength and convictions. This book is very good and enjoyable.
Go in with your eyes wide open and you cannot come out of this reading experience without having at the very least some new modicum of respect for Mitt Romney. All biographies have their bias and this one does too. Trying to parse what Romney recalls in his many interviews with the author, a Mormon himself, and reality is a concern no doubt, but even for one who had nothing but disdain for the tactics Romney used in his unsuccessful bid to beat Obama in 2012, there is value in what he is saying. If only Romney had stuck to what is now described as his moral compass, he may have played a much larger part in the many failed attempts to save us all from the chaos and lunacy created by Trump.
The most honest and vulnerable I’ve ever seen a politician. Fascinating look behind the scenes of politics- especially the last few years with the rise of extremism.
I thought this book was incredibly insightful. I live in NH and got to know the Romneys over the years but this book gets into his thought process. I thought it was good, balanced and informative of a true American patriot. Worth the listen!
Outstanding account of the man’s beliefs.