Abridged Audiobook
I feel that many Star Wars fans want to know as much about Vader as possible. For me, even as an adult, I've always taken Anakin's fall to the dark side very hard. Nonetheless, Darth Vader is one of my most favorite characters, and getting to know more about the changes within himself immediately following Revenge of the Sith was spectacular. Even the littlest details added so much more depth to the character. I really appreciated this book.
While I thought this was going to be a slow novel of self-introspection by the main character upon his transformation to Darth Vader, I was happy to be wrong. This story wove an excellent tale of the growing acceptance of his new situation and power seamlessly with the hunt for Jedi that escaped Order 66. In fact, those characters dominated the early part of the novel while Darth Vader grew from a distant menace to an omnipresent threat to their lives. This novel takes place in the weeks/months right after the fall of the Republic and intersperses holonet broadcasts and public reaction to the "Jedi uprising" and the emergence of Vader as a public figure. Speculation about who/what he is was well done. Familiar characters such as Chewbacca, C-3PO and R2-D2 make appearances that fit well with the story and do not appear to be forced at all. This was well worth the time and was very entertaining. The narration and voice characterizations were well done and took me right into the story with their accuracy in representing the characters. Recommended to Star Wars fans.
Really good book, although very short.
another awesome book from James Luceno!
Really. Really. Really good read
Good book that gives a new alternative view of Jedis and Vader.
Great book!
Great insight on vadars thoughts after order 66 , great story, very good narration