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Value Investing

Value Investing

Written by:
Introbooks Team
Narrated by:
Andrea Giordani
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
April 3, 2016
0 hours 33 minutes
The Value Investing can be defined as a set of principles that, when understood and followed, lead the investor to success in a long-term investment strategy.

Fundamentally, it has to do with buying great companies actions, but they are poorly evaluated due to factors inherent in the stock market, such as the unpredictability and irrationality in the short term.

It is common that you reduce the market value of stock for less than its real value. But a shrewd investor who knows the concepts and strategies of value investing, know how to take advantage of this momentary incoherence.

The Valu Investing concept was introduced by Benjamin Graham in his book Security Analysis, published in 1934. Since then, investors know that the stock market should be treated with caution and with long-term follow bias successfully Graham's teachings.
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