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Your Word is Your Wand

Written by:
Florence Scovel Shinn
Narrated by:
Peter Coates

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
November 17, 2023
0 hours 59 minutes
'Your Word is Your Wand' by Florence Scovel Shinn is a timeless self-help classic that delves into the transformative power of words and thoughts in shaping our reality. In this beautifully illustrated edition, Shinn's profound teachings are brought to life through visual elements that enhance the understanding and impact of her wisdom.
Shinn explores the idea that our words are like wands, wielding the power to manifest our desires or create obstacles. Through anecdotes, affirmations, and practical examples, she guides readers on a journey of self-discovery, emphasizing the importance of positive thinking and the conscious use of language.
This edition serves as a visual and intellectual feast, inviting readers to explore the profound impact of their words and thoughts on their lives. Florence Scovel Shinn's timeless wisdom, combined with captivating illustrations, makes this book a valuable resource for those seeking to harness the creative power within their own words.
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