Andreas Eschbach was born 1959 in Ulm, Germany. In 1996, his first novel, "Die Haarteppichknupfer" ("The Hair Carpet Makers"), won one of the highest awards of German science fiction, the SFCD-Literaturpreis. His second novel, "Solarstation", won the other great German science fiction award, the Kurd Lasswitz Preis. His third novel, "Jesus Video", won both of them, became a nationwide bestseller in 2000, and was turned into a movie in 2002.
His first translation into another language was in 1998, when "Die Haarteppichknupfer" was published in France as "Des milliards des tapis de cheveux". It was not only the first German science fiction novel to be published in France after 18 years, it also won two literary prizes in France and Belgium. Several novels and short stories have been translated since then, into French, Italian, Czech, Japanese, Russian, and Turkish.
Eschbach currently lives on the French Atlantic coast with his family.
Hans-Olof Andersson, Mitglied des Nobelpreiskomitees, wird erpresst: Er soll für eine ganz bestimmte Nobelpreis-Kandidatin stimmen oder seine Tochter muss sterben. Was niemand weiß: Gunnar Forsberg, der Bruder seiner verstorbenen Frau, ist ein knallhart... SEE MORE